don't have to tell any of you locals that it was HOT yesterday...
108 as a matter of fact, 101 in Portland.... Andy doesn't have AC, said "his ankles were sweating"
Well made several trips past Roosevelt School, didn't think it would be so emotional for me, Andy went K-6th and we lived on Reddy across the street until 1995....But it still was aspecial school. Lots of other folks down there watching the demo who had many many years involvment with the school.. still makes me sad.
School registration today, Robin is offically a SENIOR at North....
I was saying how my baby is almost out of school and Robin Landers reminded me her "BABY" Jordan is starting Kindergarten.....
Yeah I remember those days...
Didn't go to the coast today , but sure wish I was, going to be another HOT one here. Wendy and Jackie are making offers on houses I think , so have business to take care of here in town. Really liked the Eagle Point houses on the golf course, good prices if you are in the buyers market.
Going to Scrapbook King to crop tomorrow...
Also I have an extra ticket to Monday Night OSF "Daedalus Project" paid $30 , turns out mom will be out of town so can't go. now you will get to sit by me.......let me know if you are interested.
KEEP COOL .........