Whew....... What a day !
Started off with a trip to the humane Society....... Well as you can see we have a new "BABY" girl. A green eyed mix of a dog, who for the moment we are calling Sadie. Not sure if that is the "ONE" Went thru quite a few different names yesterday.
Then Mona (my sister), Dave and Dan showed up , drove from Rohnert Park to stay the weekend. We had an agenda ...... to go and get a TATTOO to celebrate our Half a century. Mona turned 50 last November and mine is next April. Well turns out Mona decided not to at this time, she is a big blood donor and would not be able to donate for a year afterwards, getting close to her 10 gallon mark !!!!
Dan couldn't get the "Quote" he wanted, not enough time and too much money !!! He opted for new 16 gage(???) hoops for his already pierced ears.....
Andy found out that is ok to have pierced ears at the Credit Union where he works so got his ears pierced......
And I got the "Tattoo" it is a MM design out of an overlay design book ( for scrapbooking) Really like it and it wasn't really painful at all. My audience can vouch for me.( The camera adds at least 10 pounds, my leg can not be that much BIGGER than the Tattoo Artist whole body !!!)
Ended the evening with Strawberry Shortcake and a gift for Robin's birthday from Mona.( His birthday is Tuesday the 29th The BIG "16" !) he is having a party with his friends next weekend.
Hang on , were are in for a wild ride this weekend.........
Well that is just DAY ONE !!!