I mentioned that I would try to purchase Becky Higgins Project 365 from last year for a great discounted price...
Kristi said she had it and never started it so she gave it to me....
Thanks Kristi....
So gonna give it a try, already took way over my allotted picture a day, due to the fun trip up to Union Creek on New Years Day with Kristi, Sage & Scott, Laurie her sis and family and Chadd's cousin Marial and hubby Ron and of course Chadd, DJ & Leslieann.
The barn and sun was on the way thru Sam's valley early Saturday Morning from the car as we drove down the road... and the family shot was just before we left the cabin at Union Creek this morning and had to deposit the kids with their mom to head back to Boise...
Go Laura go! I totally failed at Project 365 last year -- I made it til the end of Feb! But it was really fun for those 2 months. If anyone can do the whole year, it's you!!
Good Luck Laura, it is an awesome project but I failed too. I made it till the middle of April, but Spring gets to out of control for me with 6 days a week and 10+ hours a day! You will do better than I did :)
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