Vivien's daughter, Cassie was visiting from Santa Rosa and brought the twins... Gracie and Talia, what cutie pies !!
Had a fun time with the gang, where is Diane W? Didn't get a picture of you....
Voting starts tomorrow at Craft Warehouse, Scrapbook Queen Contest, be sure to go to the MEDFORD STORE to place your votes on the local girls....I will post a link to get there, Audrey already has a link on her blog....
hello your blogg seams to be great the babies sims to be wery happy kome and visit my blogg(guldfisken)
have i wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!
Cute photos of the babies and the gang! Wish my pic had a few less chins, lol!
Darn, I see I missed your mom, would have liked to say hi!
See you Monday at the girls' night out, looking forward to it!!
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