Had some excitement in the back yard this morning, guess a family of robins were giving the youngsters flying lessons and one ended up on the patio... well Winnie went to check it out and all of a sudden the loudest racket and birds diving, it was like a war zone.... we checked out baby and it seemed fine, between birds diving at us and keeping Winnie away managed to scoop her up and deposit her on the other side of the fence. then a calm settled over the yard again.......
am having some computer problems on my laptop GRRRRR, Robin says I am being hijacked??? Going to have to work on it.
Well have a good day.
AUDREY saw your comment on the maya road blog, if one of us wins we will have to share !!! RIGHT???
We also had some excitement in our yard last night -- in the form of a baby skunk! That's a little more excitement than I need, lol! Poor little guy, he didn't spray anyone, he was pretty freaked out by the whole thing, actually.
On another note, OMG thanks for the heads up on the Maya Road sneak peeks! Did you see today's yet - day 6? It's all clear stuff -- new clear mini albums, and, OMG, clear ribbon - you have to see it to believe it. One of the freshest things I've seen come down the pike in a while!
The birds diving at you would have been a frightening experience!
Best wishes!
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