Monday, March 31, 2008

Surprise mail

Got my application for AARP membership.......

Also this little something from Rhonna Farrer for participating in the 21 day challenge.......

Got to work on getting that album all done !

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Surprise party

Norma's daughter Stephanie and caregiver Jeri put together the most wonderful surprise birthday party, even her kooky 80 year old sister Gigi came up ...

Norma will be 84 tomorrow.....

Since her sweety Mert, husband of 60 plus years passed away last July she has been quite down.....

Today she was overwellmed with all the love in the room....

Today she was the birthday Queen......

Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Mug~Shot" 3/29/08

Good morning !!

Andy went to the Everglades State Park and saw alligators in the wild, even touched ones tail with his foot, lucky he didnt turn out like Captain Hook....

Had lunch with Carolyn, Diane and Becky deGeorge yesterday was fun talking about old times, we all worked together at the Endo office...Thanks girls that was fun !

Friday, March 28, 2008

28 Years....

Tomorrow is Mona & Dave's Anniversary !

Here's to another 28 years......

Love ya !

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"Bling It ON"

Got home to find this arrived......

My bling kit ordered from QVC and put on waitlist....

Can't wait til the weekend to play with it....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mama's lookin good...

Just four days after taking her face plant in the parking lot of Rays in Jacksonville, mom is healing nicely......

Must be that Neosporin wonder drug she used....

Don't have a before picture, she wouldn't let me... but described her first peek in the mirror after driving herself home ( no one even saw it happen)as those adds for "Meth Watch", wet stringy hair and red bloody patches on her face and a dazed look .....

Sure is lucky could have been much worse, yes she says "if it weren't for that new $25 uplifting slightly padded bra" she is sure it was just what kept her front teeth from hitting the pavement !

Thanks mom for the purple iris's just what I needed to go with my yellow flowers

Happy Easter

Spring cleaning this weekend, shampooed carpets, washed curtains, washed windows.......

Looking for new living room furniture, going to get a couch, love seat, and chair instead of two couches.......

Got a new table runner for the table.....

Had a couple visitors last night, three raccoons were getting into the dog food this little guy came right up to the window and looked at me like "what do you want?"

And doesn't Winnie look happy in her costume ??

Mom is coming over for lunch/dinner linner?? Making chicken fajitas...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Mug~Shot" 3/22/08

No this is not a mug I own, found it on the internet....

Wanted something Eastery...... Wouldn't mind owning it , pretty cute !

Plus major chaos in the house this morning, started shampooing carpet last in the kitchen

lucky to even be able to get to the coffee pot !

after 4 hours at 10:30 I stopped and I still have the piano area to do......

Guess I am "SPRING" cleaning ???

Did windows and washed curtains too......

Friday, March 21, 2008


Look very closely, this is a "PEEP" show !!!

Came across this on Heather's blog
She was participating in the 21 day challenge.....

Cracked me up !

So today is Day 21 of the Rhonna Farrer Challenge. I made it 1 Just have to finish my album, will post when done....

So Easter Sunday, enjoy your own "PEEPS"......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Day of SPRING

so far just have these blooming, and by the blue sky , you can see didn't take thes pics this year.....

Janie and Rocky heading off to Florida for Spring Break....
Sandi, John & Jennifer off to San Diego.....
I am heading off for my colonoscopy Monday.....
Wonder who is going to have the most fun????

PS my poor mom slipped on a wet parking lot yesterday and did a face plant, luckily didn't break anything. Split her lip and scraped up her nose and chin.. credits her new bra for saving her from a worse fate...... took the brunt of the fall.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wear your GREEN

Dinner menu : Corned Beef, Cabbage and GREEN beer........

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Good times yesterday !!

Had great fun at the crop yesterday....
Sat with Janie, Anita and Tara.....
Worked on this album I am sending to Andy with pics he sent from Florida.....
Had some "pee your pants" laughing so hard moments....
The "Coconut Monkey family" cracked us up......

Saturday, March 15, 2008


36 "Mug~Shot" Saturdays, the first one was posted on 6/9/07 and wasn't called "Mug~Shot" Carma came up with that name, THANKS CARMA!

We have 130 mugs available for drinking out of, that doesn't count the ones being used to hold pens, pencils, paintbrushes,tooth brushes, etc..........

So lets see who posted a guess and who is the closest.....

Hayden guessed I have 119 mugs
Janie guessed 80(no)93(no) "128" and 6/7/07 as first "Mug~Shot" post
Brooke guessed 36 "Mug~Shot" post (you did your homework)
Did I miss anyone?????

YOU are all "WINNERS" in my book !!!! Will get a little something out to ya!!!
Hayden need your address....

You can find me at NBP today from 10am-10pm scrappin.......

PS Anita, yes that does mean we will be singing!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Look who is 5years old today....

Happy Birthday Jordan Nicole Landers !

Also it is one year ago today I went back to work for my favorite Dentist, Dr. Richard Leong.......

Hope you all have a good day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"lookie loo"

I bought this to have a fun game to play along with at my birthday party......

Monday, March 10, 2008

The end of my walk...

This is what I see.......

Ok, now a few of you are taking a guess at how many "mug~shot" I have POSTED..... not how many mugs I have, although thats not a bad idea either, will pick a winner for both....

Will post the answer on this Saturday's "mug~shot"

Also a reminder, my big 50 is one month from tomorrow, Tuesday the 11th, so will be getting the official "invite" going out soon.... Don't forget April 12th 4:00pm, unless you are coming in from out of town.......

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I took 499 pictures at Audrey's birthday party !

Kristi guessed 349
Janie guessed 525
Brooke guessed 480

Well just for playing along I will give you all a little treat next time I see you.

Robin went to a birthday party that was "80's Theme" ( the 80's is a Theme now??)

We almost had it, didn't think to have him turn up the polo collar until in the car on the way there...... Didn't have a PINK polo..... and he wouldn't let me touch his hair, a mullett would have been perfect...... wore the shades over his real glasses.....
Robin said his friend TJ wore "short" lime green shorts , a Tshirt with the bottom half cut off, exposing his midrift, a vest over that and green vans...... He is so edgie.... Robin took the "SAFE" route.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

"Mug~Shot" 3/8/08

"Yes Sheila I really do have that many mugs"

So how about this for a question? How many mugs have I posted and when did I start "mug~shot"?

Kristi & Janie looks like you just may be the winners,since no one else replied to "How many pictures did I take at Audrey's party?"
Will give the rest of you until tomorrow to post your answer.... then I will give you my answer....

Brooke, so happy for the good news for your family, May 1st can't come fast enough !!!!! Oh I just saw you left a guess too.


Friday, March 7, 2008

My Challenge Album

Well so far I have made it out walking everyday since March 1st....

Have started my albun to record my challenge......

Will keep you posted.....

PS Only Kristi & Janie took a guess at how many pictures I took at Audrey's birthday party? Did you not read I am giving away a prise to the one who is the closest???

Thursday, March 6, 2008

20 mph

Trying to stay under the speed limit, don't want to get a "speeding" ticket.......

I am sure if you were to drive by all you would see is a blur we are walking so fast.......

To answer a few questions the birthday cake and cupcakes for Audreys party were from Albertsons on N Phoenix road CUTE huh!!!

You can down load the quotes at Rhonna's web site, rt click and save as......(google Rhonna Farrer)

Checked to see how far our walking route is and it is about 1 1/2 miles...

Ok have to say have not taken my evening walk with Winnie for the last two nights, had to much to do and figured I'd walked at lunch, sorry Winnie poo back to it tonight....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"walkin' walkin' walkin'"

I am walking night and day....

Well not continuously, walk in the evening with Winnie and at lunch with the girls from work.

The "BEAUTIFUL" quotes are made by Rhonna Farrer, designer for Autumn Leaves, it is her 21 day challenge I found on 2peas website.

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